Magrath is a town twenty minutes south of Lethbridge, along Alberta Highway 5. Though small, at around 2500 people, it has remarkable charm and a large population of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Magrath the town was founded in 1899 by Latter-day Saint settlers, which were sent on colonizing missions from Utah and Idaho. With this pioneer heritage, Magrath celebrates the annual “Magrath Days” during the week of July 24. This celebration includes a large parade through the town. As part of the parade, the families from the area that are holding reunions sponsor floats with many family members riding on them.
As with many small towns in Alberta, Magrath's skyline is dominated by grain elevators. What makes the Magrath skyline distinct in this is the last standing Buffalo Bin elevator- meaning it has the unique sloped back. These bins were designed to hold larger capacities of grain, thus improving the efficiency of the grain trade.
High School sports are very important to the citizens of Magrath- in basketball especially. It is a good year when Magrath beats both Raymond and Cardston- they don't even have to win provincials! As major sports rivalries go, Magrath and Raymond can easily challenge Toronto and Montreal for ferocity!
The Magrath Stake was founded in 1997. It has grown to have about 2400 members (this includes members from the many small hamlets and farms in the area).
Young Single Adult members of the church from Magrath are encouraged to attend the Lakeview YSA ward in Lethbridge.